Mission and statutes
This is a free translation from the polish original. For legal use apply the polish version.
Consolidated text of the Foundation's Statute
including amendments adopted by the Council of the Foundation
on June 27, 2020


(the Polish name of the Foundation: Fundacja “Krzyżowa” dla Porozumienia Europejskiego)



The Foundation „Krzyżowa” is dedicated to deepening German-Polish dialogue and European understanding, referring to the aims of the founders of the Foundation, who in 1989 wanted to create a center for European dialogue and meetings in Krzyżowa, and the Foundation is dedicated to the spiritual tradition of the Kreisau Circle, the German anti-Hitler conspiracy group, as well as the democratic opposition in Central and Eastern Europe. Moreover, the Foundation acts in recognition of the historical significance of the Polish-German Reconciliation Mass of 12 November 1989 and refers to the diplomatic notes of the governments of the Republic of Poland and the Federal Republic of Germany of 27 July/20 August 1990 on the establishment of an International Youth Meeting Centre in Krzyżowa for meetings between Polish and German youth, the meetings with a European and intergenerational character.


The Krzyżowa Foundation was established as the Cold War was winding down, as part of the reconciliation between Germany and Poland, which itself was part of the general reconciliation in Europe. During World War II, an anti-Nazi opposition group made up of representatives from across German society, and later referred to as the Kreisau Circle, had met on the von Moltke estate in the lower Silesian village of Krzyżowa, By risking their lives, the members of the Kreisau Circle worked on plans to reconstruct Germany and Europe on the basis of democratic and Christian moral values. In the late 1980s, members of the democratic opposition movements in both Poland and East Germany would later pick up on these meetings of the Kreisau Circle in Krzyżowa. Their own resistance to their own communist dictatorships also involved joint activity across different social groups, even across different nation states. So one of the resistance activities the members of these democratic opposition groups engaged in was participating in personal, free versions of Polish-German dialogue. As the Cold War was dying in the spring on 1989, a group of Poles, Germans from East and West Germany, Americans and Dutch - picked up on the World War II local history in Krzyżowa, and wished to create a meeting center there. Their initiative was very lucky, One of its results was that on November 12, 1989-- just a few days after the fall of the Berlin Wall --Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki and Chancellor Helmut Kohl participated in a Polish-German Reconciliation Mass, with held in Krzyżowa. In a dual sense, Krzyżowa had come to represent reconciliation among different social groups as well as opposition to totalitarianism. Krzyżowa had became a symbol of the general European reconciliation after the Cold War.

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