The number of people from Ukraine who have found shelter in Krzyżowa is still close to 100. Some of our guests have been with us from the very beginning, since we opened our centre for refugees, and others are with us for a shorter time - they rest and then continue their journey. However, they are quickly replaced by others in need.

Our guests are becoming more and more familiar with our place and have taken over some of the tasks of guiding the new refugees and presenting the opportunities they have while living in Krzyżowa.

Our team continues to provide families with the most necessary goods and organise activities for children and adults. During the day, we continue with workshops for the youngest and older children, as well as Polish language classes for adults. We have also just launched a carpentry workshop for children, which will be run by Tomasz Rosiński, a sculptor befriended with the Foundation. We also continue to help families with health care issues.

The biggest task this week for us was to help with all the formal matters related to the children starting school. The parents met with a representative of the primary school in Grodziszcze, where Ukrainian pupils are registered. The children will start school there from Monday.

Teens also had the opportunity to get acquainted with the school offer addressed to their age. On Monday, all those who are interested will start their education in preparatory classes in the 1st High School in Świdnica. 

Thanks to sponsors and donors future students have been equipped with school starter kit and school shoes.

We would like to thank everyone who helps us in this great challenge of helping people fleeing war in Ukraine -  sponsors, individual donors, institutions, our partners, organisations from Poland, Germany and other countries. Your support is invaluable and allows us to plan further activities. But the needs are enormous. Therefore, we remind you that together with our partners from Germany: Kreisau-Initiative e. V. and Freya von Moltke Foundation for Krzyżowa - as well as the team of International Chamber Music Festival Krzyżowa-Music, we are collecting donations for Ukrainian refugees in Krzyżowa.

The financial support we receive should enable us to cover the most urgent needs connected with the stay of families in Krzyżowa.


Account for donations
Keyword: Ukraine-Aid in Krzyżowa

From Germany:
Freya von Moltke-Stiftung für das Neue Kreisau
IBAN: DE79 1208 0000 4052 0068 00, BIC: DRESDEFF120

From Poland:
Fundacja "Krzyżowa" dla Porozumienia Europejskiego
IBAN für EUR: PL27 1090 2369 0000 0001 1624 4433, BIC: WBKPPLPP
IBAN für PLN: PL03 1090 2369 0000 0006 0201 9216, BIC: WBKPPLPP

From the USA:
Krzyzowa Kreisau Foundation (501 c 3 private foundation)
Donate by post via cheque: Krzyzowa Kreisau Foundation, PO Box 168, Hanover, NH

You can also support us by donating through

You can also find all the details related to the donation here: Appeal for donations.

Krzyżowa for Ukraine

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