Today is the 100th day, since Russia invaded Ukraine. Since the beginning of March, we have been hosting Ukrainian war refugees in Krzyżowa. We try to make sure that especially our youngest guests can spend their time doing what makes them happy and a trip to the world of dinosaurs will surely please both children and adults. Therefore, on 28.05.2022 children and their carers went on a trip to the JuraPark in Krasiejów. At the site, they could admire about 200 models, almost 70 species of dinosaurs and take advantage of many attractions such as Time Tunnel, Oceanarium, Amusement Park, Playground, Cinema of 5D Emotions. 
There was a lot of excitement, carefree fun and smiles.

There are almost 100 people from Ukraine in our centre permanently. We provide safe shelter for families fleeing war for the time when they cannot return to their homes. The needs to organise such assistance are enormous. Therefore, we continue to ask for your support, which will allow us to continue our activities and provide assistance to refugees and women from Ukraine.

We would like to remind you that together with our partners from Germany: Kreisau-Initiative e. V. and Freya von Moltke Foundation for Krzyżowa - as well as the team of International Chamber Music Festival Krzyżowa-Music, we are collecting donations for Ukrainian refugees in Krzyżowa.


Account for donations
Keyword: Ukraine-Aid in Krzyżowa

From Germany:
Freya von Moltke-Stiftung für das Neue Kreisau
IBAN: DE79 1208 0000 4052 0068 00, BIC: DRESDEFF120

From Poland:
Fundacja "Krzyżowa" dla Porozumienia Europejskiego
IBAN für EUR: PL27 1090 2369 0000 0001 1624 4433, BIC: WBKPPLPP
IBAN für PLN: PL03 1090 2369 0000 0006 0201 9216, BIC: WBKPPLPP

From the USA:
Krzyzowa Kreisau Foundation (501 c 3 private foundation)
Donate by post via cheque: Krzyzowa Kreisau Foundation, PO Box 168, Hanover, NH

You can also support us by donating through

You can also find all the details related to the donation here: Appeal for donations.

Krzyżowa for Ukraine

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