The new school year has just knocked on our door, and we are still reminiscing about the wonderful moments from our holiday in Krzyżowa. 🥰
From 13-20 August, the Polish-German-Ukrainian project "Art without borders" took place, which continues the Krzyzowa tradition of an art summer for children and young people.
This year the project was carried out in cooperation with Старочуднівськогутянський ОЗЗСО, с. Старочуднівська Гута, Романівського району and EJF gemeinnützige AG, Kinder - und Jugendhilfeverbund "Schloss Wartenburg".


The young participants and participants explored the art of filmmaking, shot their own short films under the guidance of Iranian artist Nima Majlesiroudi, tried their hand at stop-motion animation, learned sashaying acrobatics in the air and carved wood.
Other 'things' that came out of the project were new and important relationships, friendships and memories.
And this can best be seen in the film that was made as part of the project!

The programme was co-financed by the PNWM and the Freya von Moltke Foundation.


International Youth Meeting Centre

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