Dominik Kretschmann, head of the memorial department of Krzyzowa Foundation, takes part in the “Governance Academy”.

What attitude and what skills are needed to react to a rapidly changing environment and what skills and strategies can help to implement changes in rigid structures? Which competencies are sustainable? These and other questions will be discussed during our 3-day seminar and the topic of change will be explored in all its facets.


The Governance Academy is a cooperation between the Robert Bosch Stiftung, the Kreisau-Initiative, the Freya von Moltke-Stiftung and the International Alumni Center as the manager of the Bosch Alumni Network. Thirty dedicated professionals from more than 15 countries will come together in northern Italy from September 20th to 24th, 2022 to exchange ideas about the changing world, to acquire new skills together, to reflect on their own attitude and to perspectively network with each other.

At one point of the academy, Dominik Kretschmann will together with Nina Lüders from Kreisau Initiative e.V. present aspects of the Kreisau Circle and the Kreisau /Krzyzowa network: how can those groups and initiatives be read in the context of change management.

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