We would like to recommend to you an article by Agnieszka Dobkiewicz, which appeared on 5 July 2022 in the online edition of the newspaper https://walbrzych.wyborcza.pl/, devoted to the fate of children taken from their families by the German occupation authorities during World War II.  

Excerpt from the text:

(...) Henrich Himmler, a very important person in the apparatus of the Third Reich, was a man completely obsessed with the purity of the race, with a certain Germanic individual who would embody all that was best in himself," says journalist Anna Malinowska in a programme on this criminal activity prepared by the Krzyzowa Foundation. - This was the main driving force behind the abduction of children from other countries and their subsequent Germanisation within the Third Reich. Even among members of the Slavic peoples, even among the Poles, he saw opportunities for the recovery of so-called good blood.

The text in its entirety is available, after purchasing access, on the website:


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