
Exactly one hundred years ago, on August 15, 1920, the Polish victory in the Battle of Warsaw took place. It was a key moment in the Polish-Bolshevik war that began in 1919, the outcome of which determined not only the fate of Poland, but of Central Europe as a whole.

In order to provide an insight into the events that took place in Central and Central-Eastern Europe one hundred years ago, the Krzyżowa Foundation together with the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity prepared an educational text entitled "In defence of independence and borders. Central Europe in the face of the Bolshevik Revolution". The text contains lesson plans together with supporting materials, which are addressed to secondary school students.

We are pleased to inform that the project of the "Krzyżowa" Foundation, entitled ‘1990 / Year One. The democratic transformation in former Eastern Bloc countries’, received funding from the Europe for Citizens Programme - Strand 1. European Remembrance.

The aim of the project is to understand and bring closer the knowledge about the changes that took place in 1990 in Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania and other Baltic countries.

In Krzyżowa we are preparing to create an educational ecological garden. In connection with this project, a permaculture design workshop was held in June.

The garden is created by the Tecla Architecture Studio with the support of the Plastformers Foundation in the spirit of participation, i.e. with the active participation of the team consisting of employees of the Krzyżowa Foundation. (Gardentim), with whom the designers consult various assumptions about the garden. Thanks to the workshops, even more people could be involved in the process of creating this unique place. These were mainly people from Krzyżowa's immediate surroundings, mostly teachers, but also educators and those who care about ecology and gardening!

Food is part of our everyday lives but we are not always aware: where does it come from, how much work is needed to produce it, how is it processed, how does its production affect climate change? Especially the younger generation does not have sufficient knowledge or skills to consciously use food products. Whereas, intercultural cooperation, as a response to global challenges, including food, is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Unfortunately, in the field of nutrition education, this cooperation has not been practically implemented at all. The Krzyżowa Foundation for Mutual Understanding in Europe and Slow Food Deutschland e. V. set out to change this by creating a joint project „Food - with tradition in modernity. Nurturing and developing the perception of the value of regional and seasonal food. Environmental communication and nutrition education in a European context".

European Academy

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