
#DigitalCourage #DigitalEthics

Online youth meeting - can it work? Yes!

In April, the first online meeting of young people from schools in Olkusz and Gräfelfing, which have been meeting with their groups in Krzyżowa for many years, took place. This time, the meeting was different but no less informative. The content of the programme focused on the topic "Digital Ethics" and brought together 30 young people in a virtual space. During the four days of the project, the participants reflected on their own media behaviour and analysed the relationship between personal needs and the use of social media and other applications. They discussed and named anti-democratic tendencies on the Internet and learned about the concept of "counterspeech" in order to work constructively to make the Internet a place based on democratic values by standing up for democracy and human rights online, taking action against hate speech and spreading positive narratives.

In April we met with representatives from Austria, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovenia, Greece together with Germany Studio Gaus GmbH on our jointly organized competence training the results of the joint project "Understanding diversity together" and try out the first methods. Although this all happend online and was full of fun and creativity.

Within the framework of the three-year project, in which the Kreisau Foundation is a partner, a handout for pedagogical professionals and multipliers is created, which makes it possible to talk about diversity in the pedagogical context in each country. We keep you posted!

The Anne Frank House in cooperation with the Krzyżowa Foundation invites you to a webinar on counteracting homophobia among students using the Stories that Move educational tool. It will take place on 20th May 2021, from 17.00 - 18.15 in English. Entries are made via the form:

During the webinar, we will introduce the online learning tool and show you how to use moving stories from Stories that Move. They are interesting material to be used in classes with students on prejudice and discrimination. Using the stories of the young people, the trainers will introduce several ways to discuss these complex and delicate topics in the classroom.

It's been a busy week. From Thursday to Saturday (25-27th of February 2021), we had the pleasure to host the second workshop session as part of the International Essay Competition entitled "My Europe of Freedom". A total of 42 people from Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany participated in the history and literary workshops, of which 33 were young people aged 16-29 looking for an essay idea.

Historical workshops were conducted by: Dr. Tomasz Skonieczny ("Krzyżowa" Foundation), Andrea Böhm (Bildungswerk Sachsen) and Michael Urban. Literary workshops were conducted by Constanze John, Radosław Wiśniewski and Pavlína Hilscherova. The meeting, moderated by Adelajda Lebioda ("Krzyżowa" Foundation), was also an opportunity for an international exchange of thoughts on the events of the 1980s and 1990s, in the countries of the so-called Eastern Bloc. Everyone could share their reflection with others and thus answer the following questions: What reasons did society have to go out on the streets and fight against the system of that time? How do we view those events from today's perspective? What role did those events play on the way to the Europe we live in today?

International Youth Meeting Centre

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