The 156th day of the war in Ukraine is passing. And in Krzyzowa life is going on for our guests from Ukraine. We try to offer help in various areas. Despite the vacations, the children want to learn Polish and, thanks to funds raised by the staff and employees of Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, they practice Polish grammar twice a week in two age groups, learn new vocabulary and play in Polish.
And in the afternoons, their parents also study Polish intensively and benefit from career counseling - this week they discover how to start their own business in Poland, how to prepare a good business plan and how to deal with formalities. This activity is taking place thanks to funding from the Polish-American Freedom Foundation under the Supporting Ukraine program implemented by the Education for Democracy Foundation.
Support for refugees and refugee women from Ukraine is a great challenge, which we manage to meet thanks to the commitment of our team and the financial support of our donors. The needs for organizing such assistance are enormous. Therefore, we continue to ask for your support, which will allow us to continue our activities and provide assistance and security to families from Ukraine.

We would like to remind you that together with our partners from Germany: Kreisau-Initiative e. V. and the Freya von Moltke Foundation for Krzyzowa - as well as the team of the international Krzyzowa-Music Chamber Music Festival, we are collecting donations for the Ukrainian refugees in Krzyzowa.


Account for donations
Keyword: Ukraine-Aid in Krzyżowa

From Germany:
Freya von Moltke-Stiftung für das Neue Kreisau
IBAN: DE79 1208 0000 4052 0068 00, BIC: DRESDEFF120

From Poland:
Fundacja "Krzyżowa" dla Porozumienia Europejskiego
IBAN für EUR: PL27 1090 2369 0000 0001 1624 4433, BIC: WBKPPLPP
IBAN für PLN: PL03 1090 2369 0000 0006 0201 9216, BIC: WBKPPLPP

From the USA:
Krzyzowa Kreisau Foundation (501 c 3 private foundation)
Donate by post via cheque: Krzyzowa Kreisau Foundation, PO Box 168, Hanover, NH

Krzyżowa for Ukraine

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